Show Notes

Guest Profile:

Jessica McLaren; Owner of the company “Next Level Life”, Family and relationship coach, and a community builder.

Today’s Episode Summary:

Today’s guest, Jessica McLaren, transitioned from being a principal teacher to an entrepreneur. She came into the world of entrepreneurship to create an impact on the world and she is doing that very beautifully. Jessica is traveling around the world to help other people to elevate their level of success. Today Jessica is sharing with us her thoughts on becoming an entrepreneur, her travel experience during the pandemic, and her journey of personal transformation.

A lot of people look at entrepreneurs and fascinate their lives and fame but they don’t see their immense hard work. They just see the tip of an iceberg and assume that entrepreneurs have a lot of money and they can do whatever they want to do. But the truth is, being an entrepreneur is not as easy as it appears. It is a difficult path and it is almost synonymous with going through a grind. But if you are an entrepreneur by your choice and you are doing something that you love - regardless of how many hours you are putting in - and your work is truly aligned with your core values then you don’t feel the hard work. Rather you willingly put hours into your work.

Jessica says that to achieve success in life you don’t need to live the way society expects you to live. You don’t need to do a 9 to 5 job, you don't need to earn a certain level of income to be happy, and you don't need to retire at a certain age - work as many days as you want. Live your life the way you want to live it and make your own decisions because we achieve success only when we live authentically as our true selves, at our soul level, and in alignment with our true mission, purpose, and passion in life. But if we put our energy into something that doesn't relate to us then we cannot be successful.

Don’t avoid or suppress your emotions because emotion is a powerful tool and every human emotion serves a greater purpose. Moreover, live in the present moment and don’t bother yourself about the past because you cannot change it. Let your past go and enjoy your present. You cannot change your past but you can manipulate your future through visualization and manifestation. Also, don’t try to control the uncontrollable events of your life and surrender in front of uncontrollable things and then see the magic.

Listen to the podcast to learn in detail how all of these things work together and take you toward success. Tune in and enjoy the con

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