Show Notes

[00:00:00] Corey Berrier: Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I'm your host, Corey Barrier, and I am here with my man Ben Bressington. Did I say the last I said it right? The last name, right?

[00:00:11] Ben Bessington: You did, yeah. You nailed it.

[00:00:13] Corey Berrier: You're like the second person. I think I've ever nailed it on

[00:00:19] Corey Berrier: I didn't even have to practice with you either. That's pretty good. So Ben this is gonna be a, this is gonna be such a great conversation. Just to kind of tee this up a little bit. How you and I got connected was through the platform that you're gonna be talking to us about today.

[00:00:35] Ben Bessington: And I

[00:00:37] Corey Berrier: believe that you've created the future of how sales are gonna be done with home services.

[00:00:42] Corey Berrier: That's what I think.

[00:00:44] Ben Bessington: Cool. That's a big claim. Wow. like, damn don't set the bar high for me at all. Please. Like, like no low bar from Corey. I appreciate it

[00:00:53] Corey Berrier: globally.

[00:00:59] Ben Bessington: So well, why don't you give people some ins up? Why are you making this bold claim? Like why have you started with such a, okay, home service sales is about to get shuffled on its head, and here's the guy why? That's

[00:01:14] Corey Berrier: a great question. I don't think anybody's ever actually asked me a question back, so great job.

[00:01:19] Corey Berrier: No.

[00:01:19] Ben Bessington: Your own podcast ,

[00:01:20] Corey Berrier: So here's why I make that claim, because look sales training in general has a bad name. Sales training, you know, is lots of times ineffective. The reason for that is because there's human error, right? We, you know, even myself, like I'm a trainer. I'm a sales coach.

[00:01:38] Corey Berrier: But there's always the human element of you're gonna miss something somewhere. It doesn't mean it's a big thing, but there's always something. For example, it's like if you're normally in your routine of doing whatever it is and something throws you I'll speak for myself.

[00:01:50] Corey Berrier: Something throws me out of my routine. I could miss a something small that could make a big difference down the road that maybe was never detected. So

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